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Cam used to tackle troublemakers on carlisle acheter louboutin pas cher estates And they say the evidence provided from them has proved invaluable to help them either evict troublemakers or hit them with sanctions that could see antisocial yobs locked up by police. The social landlord operations have been praised as a key element in driving down crime on city estates, where riverside has thousands of homes.Work has been as wideranging as resolving rows over access, to helping police christian louboutin soldes snare drug dealers and other criminals. Tracey edmondson, riverside estate management team leader in carlisle, said:Behaviour can make an estate unsettled and cause chaussures christian louboutin pas cher real issues. Work is to revitalise estates and transform lives.Part of that involves dealing with trouble.Evidence to do that often involves using surveillance equipment, such as cameras and microphones. Ms edmondson said:Of the guys has what we called teddycam a camera disguised in a teddy.Number of neighbour complaints riverside receives has risen steadily in recent years it is now between 350 and 500 annually with the association taking up some lowerlevel issues that police may have dealt with a decade ago. A new study has revealed growing satisfaction in the way riverside deals with complaints. Riverside has to follow strict rules to avoid claims of invading privacy in cases were hidden surveillance is used.Cameras must always be pointed inside the grounds of the person making the complaint. They have been deployed in cases where people France Pas Cher Christian Louboutin Pumps Soldes have complained about neighbours being abusive, catching the perpetrator in the act to give the landlord power to take action against them. Soundrecording equipment is also sometimes placed in properties where people complain of noisy neighbours. Can download that material for court if it needed, ms edmondson said. Evidence gathered is used to support pleas for legal orders on trouble tenants to improve their behaviour or in the most severe cases evict them from their home. Tenants causing problems for others or committing crimes from the homes they rent are in breach of the agreement with their landlord. Serious breaches have led to injunctions restricting troublemakers movements, breaches of which mean the police can arrest them.A handful of these are issued in carlisle every year. Ms edmondson said:Do this when there a serious complaint about antisocial behaviour which is having an impact on other residents. Than going for possession of the property and making them homeless, we will go down the injunction route to curb their behaviour.Can ban people from entering certain pubs or even what buses they travel on. Other measures taken to tackle trouble include agreeing acceptable behaviour contracts with young people and getting people out of houses suspected of being drugs dens socalled crackhouse closures. Have had success in carlisle and made places better to live, added ms edmondson. Among the major operations riverside team have been involved with was one in botcherby which led to crime dropping by half in 2011.Inspector mark gilroy, who heads the policing team in the east of carlisle, said:With riverside has helped people report antisocial behaviour.

